Special Offers

CrystechNZ Honey Extractor
Our high quality 24 frame honey extractor spins honey from the honey comb on the frames once cut or pricked. Lids open automatically and 2 mode switch. Compressed air required.
Constructed from stainless steel. 100mm high x 1520mm diameter.
Standard Product Options
- Base water heating jacket
- Side water heating jacket
- High density foam insulation
- PLC touch screen for re-programming
- Electric lid ram
Special Offer $24,000*
Order your Crystech Honey Extractor before the end of July 2020 to get this great price!
Usually $28,500

Product options:
2-203-01-01-18 - 18 frames, 9x2 frame baskets, 15-amp single phase plug
2-203-01-01-24 - 24 frames, 8x3 frame baskets, 15-amp single phase plug
2-203-01-01-027 - 27 frames, 9x3 frame basekets, 20-amp three phase plug
2-203-01-01-02 - 3 mode switch, 3 pre-set spin mode switch options
2-203-01-01-03 - base cone heat jacket, welded dimple pad on the base of the extractor (excludes heat source)
2-203-01-01-04 - touch screen PLC control, programmable mode options
2-203-01-01-05 - heat gun port, welded fitting into the extractor bridge to hold heat gun
*Offer applies to 24 frame honey extractor. In order to take advantage of this offer you must place your order and pay a 30% deposit by the 31 July 2020. Extractors will be delivered in September or October 2020. Prices exclude GST.
Plant Maintenance and Servicing
At CrystechNZ we offer ongoing maintenance for your CrystechNZ processing and extraction plant.
When you purchase extraction or processing plant with CrystechNZ, we are committed to ensuring you receive ongoing maintenance to keep your plant in tip top shape, extending its lifetime and ensuring the ongoing production of high quality honey. Our team are also able to offer maintenance packages for most other brands of plant.
If you have not had any servicing done on your plant in the last 2-3 years please contact our team to review your maintenance requirements. We will put together a tailored plan to suit your requirements.

“ We found the Crystech team to have a very professional approach and after receiving our brief they were very proactive in assisting with the final design and their pricing was very fair. The entire plant was supply and fit out - completed on time and on budget.
Our plant was relatively complex…and performed to spec from the first time it was turned on, one couldn’t expect much more. "
Duncan Storrier
Midlands Apiaries Ltd